IKR optimizes your potential financial leeway

In collaboration with IKR, you achieve full transparency and potential in your procurement agreements. You maintain focus on the financially achievable opportunities in the agreements.

"What are financially achievable opportunities?"

The potential lies within goods and services such as copy/print, food, consumables, transportation/buses, cars, and more.

IKR is with you all the way

With a service agreement, IKR ensures that adjustments and improvements are continuously made and followed up on in the agreements through both "Level 2" controlling and constructive conversations with your suppliers.

  • Increase your financial leeway
  • Overview of financially achievable opportunities
  • Documentation of achieved results

Termination or extension of agreements in relation to contract terms are monitored and implemented, avoiding unnecessary and costly contract extensions.

Transparency and overview are key concepts

Your procurement agreements should be as transparent as possible. By analyzing the agreements and their flow in the overall lifecycle, we identify the points that should be reconsidered, renegotiated, and improved so that all agreements become realistic and optimal – tailored to your needs.

Constructive dialogues ensure quality and price

IKR engages in constructive dialogue with suppliers to ensure the agreed quality and price. Agreements to be terminated or extended are identified and managed to avoid expensive and disadvantageous contract extensions and unnecessary costs are cut off.

Close to everything

As part of the estate Hørbygård in Northwest Zealand, IKR is based in the old fieldstone house. In the midst of the most beautiful nature, near forest and fjord. 5 minutes to the motorway to Copenhagen and 30 minutes to the ferry to Aarhus. Close to everything – including our customers.

IKR's assistance has given us sharper performance and compliance

Measure and assess us based on our customers' results. Send us an email and get contact information for relevant references.

Esbjerg Kommune
Frederikssund Kommune
Koebenhavns Professionhoejskole
CBS - Copenhagen Business School
Naestved Kommune
Soenderborg Kommune
University College Nord
Vejle Kommune
Vordingborg Kommune
Esbjerg Kommune
Frederikssund Kommune
Koebenhavns Professionhoejskole
CBS - Copenhagen Business School